Due to circumstances, operations have been temporarily suspended.
Art Embassy of Russia
Tasha Grekhova
Sergey Belov
Ksenia Bondarenko
Vitaly Ermolaev
Kudrin Vasilij
Kudrina Ksenia
Zalkar Toktogulov Azismametovich
Nadezhda Zinovskaya
Karnaukhov Aleksey
Maslovskaya Anastasia
Karpova Tatiana
Belchenko Veronika
Jože Šubic
Jerca Šantej
Kudrin Vasilij
Maslovskaya Anastasia
Rjabova Elena
Vinnichenko Nadezda
Lučka Šparovec
Jože Šubic
* 2020 cancelled event.
The farm located in the Vipava Valley, more specifically in Dornberk, has always been surrounded by the vibrant voices of the nightingales. Hence, the origin of the name given by the Vodopivec family to their residence, which weaves into its everyday life agricultural traditions that stem from several branches; fwinegrowing, fruit growing, farming and livestock breeding. The bird song’s harmony that follows the farm’s development reflects strongly in their wine’s style of flavor; from the intensity of the color to the pleasantly characteristic tastes. No wonder then that Slavček’s determination offers a starting point to the artists from the Russian Embassy.
The Embassy of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Slovenia
Windischerjeva ul. 3
1000 Ljubljana
Email: rusembslovenia@mid.ru
Web: https://veleposlanistvorusije.mid.ru/sl/