Vipolže 19a
5212 Dobrovo v Brdih
Art Embassy of Austria
Ulrike Köb
Sabine Müller-Funk
Philipp Renda
Rosa Roedelius
Barbara Höller
Sibylle Gieselmann
Gerlinde Thuma
Tanja Pušnik
Georg Lebzelter
Ina Loitzl
Karin Maria Pfeifer
Jože Šubic
Felix Lindner
Larissa Holweg
Marta Stamenov
Helga Cmelka
Jože Šubic
* 2020 cancelled event.
At the Fana Estate in Vipolže the view on the infinite Brda landscape is a work of art in itself: the sun’s playfulness on the terraces flourishing with vineyards, orchards and olive groves creates a priceless and unique painting right in front of our eyes. Artists from the Austrian Embassy in Ljubljana will attempt to frame this image.

Avstrijski kulturni forum Ljubljana / Österreichisches Kulturforum Laibach, Ljubljana
Prešernova cesta 23
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Web: KF Laibach, Facebook, Instagram
“The art residencies in the beautiful region of Goriška Brda provide artists with a unique and inspiring environment where their creativity is nurtured and artistic exploration is encouraged. Moreover, they can connect with fellow artists and form new working relationships which often lead to friendship. This cultural exchange is made possible by the ART CIRCLE and all the wineries and local people who take part in this project. When art and wine intersect in such a way as it does in the project of the Art Embassies, they create a dynamic synergy that enhances cultural diplomacy and encourages cross-cultural collaborations. This is cultural diplomacy at its best and for that I would like to thank the ART CIRCLE team and all the helping hands, the people of the Goriška Brda region, our artists and at last but not at least Fana Estate for the ongoing and kind hospitality towards our artists.”
Sonja Reiser-Weinzettl, Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Ljubljana