Art Embassy of The


Vipolže 38
5212 Dobrovo v Brdih


Mike Feijen
Ellen Vrijsen


Marlijn Van Zadelhoff
Lore Stessel


Art Embassy of The Kazahstan
Jesse Magee
Jonny Kennington
Matjaž Rebec


Art Embassy of The Kazahstan
Bodo Korsig
Tomaž Milač
Maruša Štibelj


Art Embassy of The Kazahstan
Leyla Mahat
Bodo Korsig
Nargiz Kaipova
Andrea Bartošová
Kristina Mesaroš
Lučka Šparovec


Art Embassy of The Kazahstan
Darkhan Rukholliyev
Mustafina Saule Mazhitovna
Eduard Kazaryan
Leyla Mahat
Bodo Korsig


Art Embassy of The Kazahstan
Leyla Mahat
Saulet Zhanibek
Sembigali Smagulov

* 2020 cancelled event.

“The Netherlands, as a country of great artists and an inspiring partner, is certainly a great asset not only for our family but an important contribution to the whole project, which is outgrowing the artist residency spaces. It expands its horizons beyond the borders of seemingly impossible paths. We are extremely honored that The Netherlands has joined us on this journey at this time of transition and transformation for the festival. We see this cooperation as an important bilateral relationship and fostering in the context of spreading both cultures.”

Martina Alma and Aleks Simčič, hosts

The Netherlands

Netherlands embassy in Ljubljana
Palaca Kapitelj
Poljanski nasip 6
1000 Ljubljana


“The Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands are two friendly, like-minded countries with excellent bilateral relations. We are working together in all kinds of sectors and fortunately art is one of them. Because art is a wonderful way to communicate with one another. In an ever more divided world, art connects people and communicates across borders, across languages and across cultures. Time and time again I have seen the open and friendly fashion in which artists from different backgrounds are reaching out to each other. Very often, they are the best diplomats. I am therefore grateful to Art Circle for their initiative and for incorporating the Netherlands in their programme. And I am very glad that the Edi Simčič Wine Estate is ready to host the Netherlands Art Embassy. I am looking forward to many fruitful exchanges and beautiful exhibitions.“

Johan O. Verboom, Ambassador, The Kingdom of the Netherlands

Kazahstan - Art Circle.
“Projekt Krog umetnosti je po mojem zelo pomemben za razvoj destinacije, povezovanja različnih panog kot so turizem, kultura in vinarstvo, utrjevanja odnosov med državami ter prepoznavnost naše regije. Pripravljamo kvalitetne kulturne in turistične vsebine, ki bogatijo vse v lokalnem okolju in širše.
Kazahkstan je kulturno bogata država, v razvoju in z velikim potencialom. Z njimi z veseljem sodelujemo od leta 2017.”
Martina Alma, Alma Vista

“Kot častni Konzul Republike Kazakhstan za Primorsko sem se odzval prijaznemu povabilu ekipe Kroga umetnosti, ki organizira že vrsto let uspešen in prepoznaven projekt v Brdih. Z veseljem sem aktivno pristopil k projektu.
Kazakstanska kulturna ambasad je dobila dom v prekrasnem ambinentu Posestava Alma Vista, kjer smo gostili številne umetnike iz odaljenih step. Srčnost in pozornost vseh vpletenih v ta projekt sta, kljub tisočerim kilometrom oddaljenosti,  pripomogla k temu,  da sta se obe državi bolje spoznali in tudi zaradi tega projekta so nastali številni novi stiki in poslovne priložnosti. Res prisrčna hvala vsem.“

mag. Dimitrij Picia, častni konzul Republike Kazakhstan v Republiki Sloveniji